LaPassione - Getting off the beaten tracks


One of the latest projects we have been working on is with the Italian cycling clothing company La Passione. With their attention to detail, La Passione has been focusing on creating the perfect collection for adventurous bikers: the new gravel collection ‘Adventure’.

We were responsible for the visual communication of the collection, focusing on the creation of pictures that would both capture the details of the new line as well as the free spirit of it.

All was done in the region of Lugano, starting from the lake side in Agno moving to a more alpine setting such as that of Alpe Vicania and Monte Bar.


Visuals from the official La Passione website

Industry: Sports

Year: 2022

Client: La Passione Cycling Couture

Work Type: Photo Production


From Peaks to Palms in the Lugano Region


The Karpos team welcomes Marianne Fatton!